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The platform supports an inherited permissions model, where applying permissions to a parent entity will apply the permission to all child entities.

The permissions model supports two different permissions:

  • Control
    • A user can 'view', 'download' and 'edit'
    • If the permission is applied to a 'vault' or 'folder' it means that the user can also add sub-folders or documents to the entity and child entities.
  • See
    • A user can 'view' and 'download'
    • If the permission is applied to a 'vault' or 'folder' it means that the user can also access all child entities.

The API returns back a permissions array which contains a series of permissionEntities which shows what permissions each user has.

Note that the user who created the entity is automatically added with Control permissions.

"entityId": "60079696b6cbcb001205bd38",
"entityType": "USER",
"permission": "SEE",
"firstName": "Tressa",
"lastName": "Hansen",
"email": "",
"imageUrl": ""
"entityId": "600796b4b6cbcb001205bd54",
"entityType": "USER",
"permission": "CONTROL",
"firstName": "Doyle",
"lastName": "Little",
"email": "",
"imageUrl": ""