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How do we use the blockchain?

MODV stores document changes on the blockchain for its immutability and security. So that you can be sure that your documents have not been tampered with.

When a document is uploaded into MODV, the following steps are taken to provide a secure and auditable trace:

  • The document is encrypted using AES-256-GCM
  • A digital contract is created for the document on the Polygon blockchain
  • The non-customer identifiable document metadata is stored on IPFS
    • This is to track who uploaded the document, when it was uploaded, and the document's hash
    • The document's hash is used to verify the document's integrity
    • The document id is used to retrieve the document from MODV
    • The document's metadata is stored on IPFS to ensure that the document's metadata is immutable
  • The digital contract for the document is updated with the IPFS URL
    • This is to ensure that there is an immutable record of the document's metadata on a public blockchain and allows for the document's metadata to be audited at any time.